Connecting the dots
TAFIN supports industry growth by connecting the dots and working for mutual benefit for food and agribusiness in Tropical North Queensland. We embrace collaboration accelerating innovation and driving trade on behalf of the Tropical Agri Food Industry.
On a mission to revolutionise the Australian tropical agri-food industry.
We are connecting agri-food industry players – across the food supply chain – to overcome challenges, share knowledge and resources, and grow their businesses. We’re not just aiming to support the industry, we’re aiming to elevate it.
Our ambition is to enable the tropical agri-food Industry to grow its international and domestic food export potential and for Tropical North Queensland to become a globally recognized and sought-after destination for unique and delicious tropical foods.
Our Values
We all about bringing agri food businesses together to support and learn from each other.
Our Purpose
To connect and support the Australian tropical agri-food industry.
We are committed to supporting the highest quality business practices and helping our members to achieve their full potential.
We facilitate opportunities to develop the region as a value-added food and beverage destination while empowering food and agribusiness producers, manufacturers, and retailers through opportunities to scale, diversify and meet new markets
We aim to empower food and agribusiness producers, manufacturers, and retailers through opportunities to scale, diversify and meet new markets, especially innovations in regenerative agriculture and the Smart Green Economy.
We aim to create a culture of collaboration to strengthen industry stakeholders and deliver projects and programs.
Our Vision
To become the leading organisation for connecting and supporting the tropical agri-food industry across the supply chain in tropical North Queensland.

We are committed to supporting the highest quality business practices and helping our members to achieve their full potential.
TAFIN has members from across the Tropical North of Queensland
Backed by a strong community of supporters and partners including Regional Councils, Regional Development Australia, Queensland Government and the Australian Government, TAFIN’s members are leading the way in showing how responding to challenges and opportunities together, accelerates growth and creates a stronger and more resilient industry.
We are located in:
Cape York
Our members include: